Graduate Research Assistantship in Tropical Forest Management Ecological
Sustainability Indicators. Department of Environmental Studies, University
of North Carolina Wilmington (UNCW). 
We are looking for a highly motivated Graduate student to help us conduct
research on the relations existing between remote sensing derived data on
forest structural trends, current biodiversity present in managed and
natural tropical forest areas and management practices in Costa Rica. The
student will work on the biodiversity component of the project. She or He
will spend 2 summers in Costa Rica doing field work in the Sarapiqui region.
Biodiversity surveys will include vegetation structure, dung beetles,
butterflies and Birds. Previous birding experience is highly desired as well
as knowledge of Spanish. 
This is a joint project with the Geographic Information Science Center of
Excellence (GIScCE) of South Dakota State University. Funding from NASA goes
until 2012. Other partner institutions include The Fundacion para el
Desarrollo de la Cordillera Volcanica Central (FUNDECOR) and The Tropical
Agronomic Research and Higher Education center (CATIE). 
Applicants should email their CV’s to Naikoa Aguilar-Amuchastegui
( and fill their online applications before
October 15th 2009 (see 

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