An assistantship for a Masters student in HORTICULTURE or ECOLOGY is
available for 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 at The Pennsylvania State
University to study sustainable cropping systems based on ecological
principles with special emphasis on mycorrhizal fungi.  The degree can
be awarded in either Horticulture or Ecology, and the student will
have the opportunity to interact with a diversity of researchers, a
postdoc, and other graduate students in Horticulture, Crop and Soil
Sciences, Entomology, The Rodale Institute, and the US Department of
Agriculture.  Cropping-system practices are being designed to minimize
pest populations, conserve nutrients, soil, energy, and off-farm
inputs.  For more information, contact: Dr. Roger Koide
(, Department of Horticulture, The Pennsylvania State
University, University Park, PA 16802.

Assistantships for an MS or PhD Graduate degrees are available in
AGRONOMY and SOIL SCIENCE at The Pennsylvania State University to
study sustainable cropping systems based on ecological principles.
Cropping-system practices are being designed to minimize pest
populations, conserve nutrients, soil, energy, and off-farm inputs. A
recently funded 3-year project with a team of Penn State and USDA-ARS
scientists, is seeking graduate applicants for 2009/2010 (even though
it is late in the application process) and for 2010/2011. For more
information, contact: Dr. Heather Karsten or Dr. Douglas Beegle,
Department of Crop and Soil Sciences (; 814-863-3179;

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