Check out the pscl package.

I haven't used it, but students in my class have.

Barney Luttbeg

On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 11:55 AM, James Hodson <>wrote:

> Dear all,
> I've been searching for a while now for a package in R that can perform
> mixed-model zero-inflated negative binomial regression.  I am looking to
> analyze pellet count data at the individual plot level, while accounting
> for the fact that pellet plots are nested within sites and thus are not
> strictly independent observations.  I have a lot of zero counts, which is
> why I'm interested in a zero-inflated model.  I have tried the package
> glmmADMB, but I have had no success in getting it to work with my data.
> Any advice would be welcome.
> Thanks,
> James Hodson

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