Dear ECOLOG-ers,

I'm writing to seek the insights, suggestions, and/or resources anyone might have to help a Biology Department participate in a complete renovation (really a near-total re-build) of a science building that houses our department. We are not in a situation where we can build a brand new building, but rather have to do a near total re-build of an existing building that houses not only the sciences and information technology, but social sciences and a performance hall. We are a Biological Sciences Department with a large commitment to BOTH research and teaching, including about all areas of biology (although we do not have any animal care facilities). A number of us have attended PKAL facilities workshops, although our administrative decision-makers on campus have not and need education. We need to get our current science faculty engaged in understanding what modern, research and pedagogically thoughtful designs are, as well as to express this to our administrators.

I would especially appreciate being pointed to any of the following --

a). Any websites or resources that describe institutional planning/facilities programming processes at universities.

b). Any recent outstanding major renovations folks have underway or completed, especially of a Biology or Ecology building with both research and teaching facilities. We do have a greenhouse (that will need to be re-located), vehicles, boats and other field ecology infrastructure.

c). Any major renovation projects that we could profitably visit (do a field trip) to see and understand what is possible.

Please feel free to reply to me directly and I'll post a summary to ECOLOG-L



Craig S. Hood, Ph.D.
Professor & Chairperson
Department of Biological Sciences
Loyola University New Orleans
New Orleans, LA  70118

phone:  (504) 865-2193 Office

 A change in course is always possible ...
we don't have to live in a ruined world --------------------------------------------------------------------------

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