PNW Research Station, Forestry Inventory & Analysis Program, Portland 
Forestry Sciences Lab 

Positions may be based in Portland, or in one of 9 satellite duty stations 
(Sedro-Woolley, WA; La Grande, Eugene, Prineville/Bend, Grants Pass, OR; 
Mount Shasta, Grass Valley/Nevada City, Arcata, Fresno, CA)


Outreach is being conducted until October 16, 2009.

The PNW Research Station, Portland Forestry Sciences Lab, anticipates 
filling up to eight positions for the Oregon, Washington, and California 
field data collection crew leaders for the Forest Inventory and Analysis 
(FIA) program.  The GS-9 positions will have a salary range of $49,020 to 
$63,726; the GS-7 positions will have a salary range of $40,075 to 
$52,099; the GS-5 positions will have a salary range from $32,353 to 

These are permanent seasonal positions; 18 pay periods full time and 8 pay 
periods non-pay status.  A Permanent Seasonal Employee receives an 
agreement guaranteeing a specific number of pay periods of full-time 
employment. They may be worked longer depending on workload and funding.

These positions are with the Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) Program, 
with main office located in Portland, Oregon. The Pacific Northwest FIA 
Program conducts forest inventories and forest health monitoring on 
forestlands of all land ownerships in Alaska, Washington, Oregon, 
California and Hawaii/Pacific Islands.  The forest inventory is conducted 
in 3 phases.  Phase 1 is a remote sensing classification currently being 
done from aerial photos and satellite images.  Phase 2 is a set of field 
plot samples located on a systematic basis across the unit.  Phase 3 is a 
sub sample of the field plots for forest health measurements.  A wide 
variety of information is collected in the inventory including tree 
measurement data, understory vegetation identification and cover 
estimates, down woody material data, and lichen and soils information.  

The areas sampled by the lab cover a diversity of ecological communities 
which include:  the temperate rain forests of coastal Oregon and 
Washington, the redwood coastal forests of California; high mountain 
conifer forests of the Cascades and Sierras; drier ponderosa pine, oak 
woodland and juniper forests of Oregon, Washington and California; and 
tropical forests of Hawaii and the Pacific Islands.  Each crew covers a 
large area, and no matter where you work, you will see a wide variety of 

All crew leaders work under the direction of a state coordinator and lead 
a crew in the collection of forest inventory data. After two to four week 
training sessions, the two to four person crews use maps, aerial photos, 
and GPS units to navigate to and find plot locations.  Measurements taken 
by crews include: tree/sapling/seedling data (species, diameter, height, 
defect, insect & disease, damage, etc); understory vegetation (shrub, 
herb, grass species and percent cover, etc.); down woody material (line 
transects, litter depth, and fuels measurement, etc.); and site index and 
site attributes (site tree selection, slope, aspect, topographic position, 
distance to water, etc.). Plot data is edited using various software and 
uploaded to the Portland office. 

The field-season typically runs from early April thru November. The 2-4 
person crews travel frequently and independently.  The crew will return 
home to the duty-station nightly for about one-third of the season, they 
will return to the duty station on weekends for one-third, and for the 
final third they will be in extended travel status.  During travel 
periods, crews will change locations about weekly. Lodging is generally in 
motel/hotels, but in some areas significant amounts of backpacking/camping 
are required.

In all areas, work conditions are often arduous.  Work may be performed in 
inclement weather (cold, heat, rain, snow) and on rugged, steep, slippery, 
and/or brushy slopes.  Significant amounts of on-trail and off-trail 
hiking are required.  Crewmembers must carry a 45lb pack daily, with pack 
weights sometimes exceeding 60lbs.  Excellent physical conditioning is a 
must.  Exposure to hazards such as poison oak, bears, and insects is 
common.  Additionally, crewmembers may occasionally travel in small 
aircrafts, helicopters and boats. 

If you are interested in one of these positions and working with the 
Pacific Northwest Research Station, please use the attached response form 
to express your interest by October 16, 2009.  You can send your response 
electronically or by regular mail to the following address: John Chase,, PNW Research Station - FIA, 620 SW Main, Suite 400, 
Portland, OR 97205 or call Jeff Reis at (503) 808-2022.

This is just a pre-announcement.  When the position is advertised, the 
announcement will be posted on the Office of Personnel Management web 
site: .  The announcement will contain all of the 
information you need to apply for the position.

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