I wanted to share a conservation and student-oriented success story with 
Many of you have been following the progress of the development of La MICA 
Biological Station and know that I have been the driving force behind the 
fundraising for the project. We are currently working to raise US$3500 to build 
a student dormitory, which will open up all sorts of opportunities for our 
future young visitors. As of yesterday morning we were about $1000 short of our 
I was given the opportunity to speak to 3 classes (non-majors introductory 
biology, evolution, conservation biology) yesterday at Old Dominion University 
(Norfolk, Virginia, USA), where I have just completed my PhD. The professors 
challenged their students each to donate a dollar or two to the cause and one 
professor offered to match what her non-majors course (about 300 students) 
donated. Through the spare change and dollar bills, we raised over $275 (with 
one non-major donating $50!). Throughout the day others (including those 
without cash during class) donated on-line through our nonprofit organization, 
with donations ranging from $3 to $100 and averaging just $35. By the end of 
the day we had raised $1269.33 and of course surpassed our cost estimate for 
the student dormitory!!
In a time when we are met with economic despair, many troubled students, and 
little good news in the light of conservation, I am proud to see students 
stepping up and getting excited about a project located in Panama and helping 
local people they have never met. Furthermore, I think this proves that many 
projects can make a difference through very small amounts of money donated by 
(extra)ordinary students (of all ages) and their professors.
Obviously we have a long way to go in so many conservation efforts, including 
La MICA Biological Station, but it is not hopeless. It just will take 
dedication and a lot of heart.
If anyone is interested in getting their class or organization involved with La 
MICA Biological Station or in obtaining information on opportunities for 
students, visit www.lamica.org or please feel free to email me at 
la.m...@yahoo.com. THANK YOU to everyone who is helping to make a difference 
for La MICA Biological Station and all of the other amazing projects around the 

Julie M. Ray, MSc, PhD
La MICA Biological Station
La Montaña para Investigación y Conservación Ambiental

El Cope-La Pintada. Provincia de Cocle. Republica de Panama
Amigos Support La MICA. c/o Brett McMillan. McDaniel College. 2 College Hill. 
Westminster, MD 21157
Fundación Centro de Investigación Biológica El Copé, S.A. (Panama)
Amigos Support La MICA is a project of International Humanities Center, a 501c3 
nonprofit organization.

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