The original article is in:

I think the authors are actually answering the claim that no upward trend has 
been detected globally, and yes it's too bad this is before the Copenhagen 
meeting, but I guess researchers don`t foresee that their work "can and will be 
used against them"
Abraham de Alba Avila
Terrestrial Plant Ecology
Ap. postal 20,
Pabellón Arteaga, 20660
Aguascalientes, MEXICO
SKYPE: adealba55
 Tel: (465) 95-801-67, & 801-86 ext. 126, FAX ext 102
cel: 449-157-7070

From: Amartya Saha <>
Sent: Friday, October 2, 2009 8:27:28 AM
Subject: Re: [ECOLOG-L] 10 years without warming

"It seems that there are in the last 10 years the planet did not get warmer."

Thats an overly simplified statement that politicians love !

10 years is way too little time to search for a trend. Then these are AVERAGED 
temperature differences, ostensibly equally sampled all over the world. And we 
know that climate variables are rarely perfectly linear in their correlative or 
causative behavior, given the different time scales of various oceanic 
Meanwhile the accelerated melting of Himalayan and Andean glaciers continue, as 
evidenced by the highest snowmelt-fed stream discharges in recorded history 
(ok, thats also a blip, but at least spans more than a century in certain 


Quoting Matheus Carvalho <>:

> Dear list members:
> It seems that there are in the last 10 years the planet did not get warmer.
> See the last edition of Science, or try this link:
> Article title:
> What Happened to Global Warming? Scientists Say Just Wait a Bit
> Matheus C. Carvalho
> Senior Research Associate
> Centre for Coastal Biogeochemistry
> Southern Cross University
> Lismore - Australia
> Veja quais são os assuntos do momento no Yahoo! +Buscados

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