Fire Ecology Specialist Position 
Tall Timbers Research Station and Land Conservancy, Fire Ecology Program 

Tall Timbers Research Station (Tallahassee, Florida) is seeking a field 
ecologist to assist with research in the area of Fire Ecology in 
southeastern U.S. with an emphasis on pine forests.  The Fire Ecology 
Specialist will work closely with the Fire Ecologist in implementing 
collaborative and independent research in the Fire Ecology Program.  

Qualifications:  (1) Masters degree completed in biology, forestry, 
wildlife, natural resources, or related field, (2) comfortable with 
leadership role in supervising interns and technicians, (3) enjoys working 
in difficult (hot) outdoor conditions, (4) willing to receive training in 
prescribed burning and to provide leadership on burns, (5) comfortable 
with using and maintaining various tools, technology, and equipment, (6) 
enjoys plant identification and wants to become proficient with local 
flora, (7) ability to organize and manage a laboratory, (8) enthusiastic 
about conducting independent research and writing articles for publication 
with assistance from the Fire Ecologist, (9) relational database and GIS 
skills desirable, (10) supportive of land management practices for 
conservation (prescribed burning, timber thinning, wildlife management, 

Oversight: Fire Ecologist (Kevin Robertson)

Description: The Fire Ecology Specialist is responsible for assisting the 
Fire Ecologist in implementing and developing plant ecology and fire 
science research and providing information and education to the public.  
Duties will include supervision of existing long-term research projects, 
assisting development and implimentation of new research projects, data 
management, writing manuscripts, hiring and supervising interns, acquiring 
and maintaining supplies and equipment, assisting with prescribed burning 
and other institutional needs, and assisting with extension and education 
activities.  Research interests of the Fire Ecology Program are diverse 
and include effects of fire regime on natural community composition and 
structure, landscape fire history, natural community classification, fire 
and soil nutrient cycling, remote sensing of burn severity, and fire in 
hardwood forests.  The position will provide opportunities to receive fire 
training and other educational experiences, such as attending conferences 
and workshops.  

Salary and Benefits:  Starting salary will be $35,000 annually.  Benefits 
include full medical, unemployment, and worker's compensation insurance, 
and retirement benefits after one year of employment.

To Apply: Submit by e-mail or mail current Curriculum Vitae, college 
transcripts (if graduated within the past 5 years), and names, addresses, 
and phone numbers for three references to:

Kevin Robertson, PhD
Fire Ecology Research Scientist
Tall Timbers Research Station
13093 Henry Beadel Drive
Tallahassee, FL 32312
Office: 850-893-4153 x 254
Cell: 850-508-5499

Review of applications will begin December 1, 2009 with the goal of 
starting the position in January 2010.     

Tall Timbers Research Station and Land Conservancy was established in 1958 
as a non-profit scientific and educational organization.  Its primary goal 
is to promote exemplary land stewardship on private and public land.  Its 
areas of focus are ecological research, promoting the use and 
understanding of prescribed fire, wildlife management, sustainable 
forestry, and conservation through education and conservation easements.  
Tall Timbers Research, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer.

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