Wavy-leaf basket grass (Oplismenus hirtellus ssp. undulatifolius) is an 
invasive grass in Maryland that has invaded forest understories in the last 
15 years. The species is starting to be found farther and farther away from 
the initial invasion site and has been identified in three states. This 
species forms a thick carpet in the forest understory and several task 
forces have been organized in response to the perceived threats to native 
species posed by this grass. Virtually nothing is known about the ecology 
of this species. We have a list of research needs from stakeholders, but I 
am trying to compile a list of critical ecological information that is 
needed when attempting to control this species. If nothing is known about 
an invasive plant species, and the species poses a threat (a topic for 
another time), what are the most important avenues of research? I'd 
appreciate any advice from the list as to what they think is valuable to 
study or information about any reviews that have already addressed this. 
Thanks in advance!

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