Postdoctoral position in Biodiversity Science and Informatics
(Biodiversity informatics, Species distribution modeling, GIS, Conservation
of East African vertebrates
Jetz Lab, Dept of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB), Yale University

One 2-3 year position is available starting between January and July 2010.
We are looking for an expert in the analysis, management, and visualization
of large quantities of spatial (and phylogenetic) biodiversity data.
Knowledge of the major biodiversity informatics initiatives, the design of
relational databases, species distribution modeling, and GIS are required.
The successful candidate will likely have deep working knowledge in most of
the following: SQL/postgreSQL, PostGIS, ArcGIS, Python, PHP, Java, R.
Experience in Unix/Linux will be a benefit. A number of basic or applied
research opportunities based on databases in the Lab are possible and will
be developed jointly with the successful candidate. 

One specific research opportunity is an assessment of the fate of East
African terrestrial vertebrates under climate change. This project will
include time in the field with collaborators in Kenya, and close
interactions with the African Conservation Center, the Natural History
Museum in Nairobi, and the Kenya Wildlife Service. 

RESEARCH GROUP:  In the Jetz Lab, the successful candidate will interact
with two PhD students and four postdoctoral fellows. For further information
see: Yale has a thriving community of postdocs and
graduate students in ecology, evolution and global change science. The
postdoctoral fellow will benefit from interactions with the EEB Department,
the Yale Institute for Biospheric Studies (, the
Peabody Museum (both physically connected to EEB), the Yale Climate & Energy
Institute, and the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies

APPLICATION:  Please email short letter of interest, C.V., and the names and
contact details of three referees (ideally all combined in one pdf)
preferably by 4 Dec 2009 to – Subject line:
Biodiversity Postdoc. Review of applications will begin immediately, and
continue until the position is filled.

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