PhD Assistantship in Ecology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 
Influence of Climate Change on the Water and Carbon Budgets and Vegetation 
of Rocky Mountain Peatlands.  A graduate research assistantship is 
available to analyze the short and long-term influences of climate change 
on fens in the Rocky Mountains of the U.S.  We will analyze hydrologic, 
carbon and nutrient dynamics in fens located in areas with different 
precipitation regimes (San Juan Mountains, Colorado and Medicine Bow 
Mountains, Wyoming) and at different elevations.  The student will conduct 
detailed hydrologic analysis of well and piezometer nests, carbon gas 
fluxes, plant production and decomposition dynamics, as well as long-term 
history of peat accumulation and vegetation composition.  This project is 
a collaborative effort between Colorado State University (CSU) and the 
USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station.  The student will be 
enrolled in the Graduate Degree Program in Ecology at CSU, and housed in 
the Department of Forest, Rangeland and Watershed Stewardship.  Applicants 
must possess a Masters degree in a suitable scientific field (hydrology, 
wetland ecology, or plant ecology), be physically capable of working in 
wilderness setting at high elevation sites (up to 3500 m elevation), and 
performing demanding work.  Student will be provided with a monthly 
stipend, and tuition and field expenses are provided.  Send letter of 
interest, CV and list of references to Dr. David J. Cooper at:

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