We are looking for two MS students interested in aquatic ecology or limnology through our Water Science Masters program. Both are paid research assistantships and would be through Murray State University's Hancock Biological Station on Kentucky Lake. Students would have the option of residing at the Biological Station, about 15 miles from the main campus.

Both students would assist with deployment of lake environmental sensors and bi-weekly monitoring cruises through an NSF-funded cyberinfrastructure grant. Specific thesis research areas would be based on each student's interests and the Station's ongoing research programs. These might include but are not limited to analysis of sensor data, zooplankton ecology and invasive species, lake algae, zebra mussels and native mussel species, the effects of water level fluctuations, and lake benthos dynamics. In the later case, the benthos of Kentucky Lake is quickly disappearing but the reasons for it remain unclear.

For more information on the Station, go to <http://www.murraystate.edu/hbs>www.murraystate.edu/hbs If you are interested in these projects, please contact me.

David S. White

Professor, Biological Sciences www.murraystate.edu/qacd/cos/bio/bio_inf.htm
Director, Hancock Biological Station www.murraystate.edu/hbs
Commonwealth Endowed Chair www.murraystate.edu/qacd/cos/sci/colofsci.htm
Editor, Journal Kentucky Academy of Science www.kyscience.org

561 Emma Drive
Murray, KY 42071

Phone: 270-474-2272
FAX: 270-474-0120
Cell: 270-293-9141

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