You can sign up­now!­for summer 2010 ornithology programs at <>Hog Island Audubon Center.

As you know, a committee of Audubon and Maine Audubon staff has worked with expert consultants for nearly a year, envisioning options for the island consistent with its celebrated environmental education history and potential. The work continues, and while it does, the two organizations have agreed to re-establish programming in 2010.

Audubon’s internationally recognized Project Puffin Seabird Restoration Program will lead five distinct sessions of bird-loving bliss, working with a team of dynamic instructors, including Kenn Kaufman and Pete Dunne:
   * Maine Seabird Biology and Conservation (May 30-June 4)
   * Field Ornithology I (June 13-18)
   * Field Ornithology II (June 20-25)
   * Maine Coast Birding Studies for Teens (June 20-25)
   * Maine Seabird Biology and Conservation (September 12-17)
Get more information and download registration forms at: <> Or e-mail <>

We hope that, like us, you see this as good news, and will spread the word. These are the only programs the historic center will offer in 2010, and space is limited.

As our committee continues its work, we want you to know that we share with Hog Island’s loyal alumni, past instructors, and supporters the desire for long-term arrangements that will continue Hog Island’s historic service to conservation. Toward that goal, we hope you will help us fill our 2010 sessions with enthusiastic participants.

Thank you for your continuing support.


Ted Koffman,
Excecutive Director,
Maine Audubon

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