Dear colleagues,

We invite you to participate in a Special Session on Didymosphenia geminata 
research at the joint meeting of the American Society of Limnology and 
Oceanography ant the North American Benthological Society in Sante Fe, NM 
(6‑11 June 2010). For information on the conference, see 

We are Session S09: Didymosphenia geminata —Environmental Impacts, Limiting 
Factors, and Prospects for Control

Special Session overview:

Didymosphenia geminata (didymo) has proliferated in many rivers, both 
within and outside of its presumed native range. These proliferations may 
lead to alterations in aquatic communities, ecosystem processes, 
hydrodynamic conditions and water quality. There is widespread concern that 
the frequency of new introductions and proliferations is outpacing our 
understanding of the ecological impacts of didymo, and our ability to 
control its spread. In the face of this concern, didymo research is 
expanding rapidly. Much of the initial research focused on chronologies and 
geographic patterns of invasion. Current research includes environmental 
impacts, physical and biological factors that limit growth and 
accumulation, and potential tools for controlling or preventing 
proliferation. This session will provide a forum for scientists and river 
managers. We invite presentations on diverse aspects of didymo biology and 
management, including its effects on organisms and habitats, limiting 
factors, and the search for safe and effective controls.

If you would like to participate in this Special Session, please reply to 
one of the co-chairs listed below with a tentative title. If you would like 
your graduate students or colleagues to consider participating, please 
circulate this invitation. Thank you for your consideration,

Scott Larned, NIWA (
Max Bothwell, Environment Canada (
Cathy Kilroy NIWA (

Scott T. Larned
Principal Scientist
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research
P.O. Box 8602 Riccarton,
Christchurch, New Zealand
Phone 64-3-348-8987
Fax 64-3-348-5548

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