Research Associate (Post Doctoral position) - Forestry and Climate Change 


We are recruiting for a full-time Research Associate position at the
University of Wisconsin-Madison, in collaboration with the Wisconsin
Department of Natural Resources (WDNR).  This is a 2-year position, from
early Spring 2010 through Spring 2012.  Salary will begin at $40,000 per
year plus benefits.  The start date for this position is negotiable. 


Description: This position serves to evaluate climate change adaptation and
mitigation strategies for Wisconsin's forestry resources as part of the
Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change Impacts (WICCI).  WICCI is a
collaboration between the University of Wisconsin and Wisconsin DNR focused
on developing adaptation strategies to address climate change.  The goal of
the WICCI Forestry Working Group is to collaboratively synthesize existing
climate research as it pertains to Wisconsin, set priorities for research,
and generate management strategies to address future climate change impacts
utilizing applied research, modeling, and adaptive management.  The working
group furthers the collaborative efforts between scientists at the
university, DNR, and US Forest Service to develop research and management
strategies to address the impacts of climate change in Wisconsin.
Information on WICCI can be found at 


A Research Associate position is available to evaluate climate change
mitigation and adaptation strategies for Wisconsin's forests. The project
will review and evaluate potential climate change adaptation strategies on
public and privately-owned forests in Wisconsin. Research will examine the
synergies and trade-offs among forest adaptation strategies such as
resisting change, increasing resilience, and facilitating adaptive change,
mitigation strategies such as carbon sequestration and replacing fossil fuel
use with woody biomass energy production, and other ecosystem services such
as biodiversity conservation. A spatial component of this research will
model alternative strategies for selected areas and land use categories.
Finally, the position will develop a policy portfolio approach that
integrates and prioritizes among adaptation and mitigation strategies. 


The Research Associate will be supervised by Dr. Adena Rissman in the
Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology and Dr. Eunice Padley of the
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.  The Research Associate will have
the opportunity to collaborate on grant proposals and new research projects
related to climate change depending on the Research Associate's interests
and Forestry Working Group needs. Predictions of climate change in Wisconsin
will be produced by the WICCI Climate Working Group and available to the
WICCI Forestry Working Group.


Knowledge and experience required:

- Ph.D. in forestry, natural resources management, environmental science and
policy, or related field required,

- expertise in GIS and mathematical modeling, 

- knowledge of climate change impacts on forests

- knowledge of forest mitigation and adaptation strategies,

               - proven oral and written communication skills


Contact:  Send a cover letter, curriculum vitae, unofficial transcripts of
graduate academic record, and contact information for three references
(email correspondence preferred) to the address below. Applications will be
considered through January 25, 2010.


               Adena R. Rissman

               Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology

               University of Wisconsin 

1630 Linden Drive 
Madison, WI  53706-1598 





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