REU Summer Research Program in the Arkansas Ozarks


Assessment and Sustainable Management of Ecosystem Services


The University of Arkansas is conducting a Research Experience for
Undergraduates (NSF/REU) during summer of 2010 for up to 15 undergraduates
who have completed at least 3 semesters of coursework. The focus of this REU
is on field-based research on ecological services, and each student will
work with a faculty mentor on a wide range of projects from water quality to
chemical ecology to biological anthropology to ecology of birds in the
Ozarks. This program works primarily with federally recognized Native
American tribes and Native American students.  However, all other interested
students are encouraged to apply. This 10-week program consists of a
one-week emersion course on field methods, 8 weeks of intensive Research
Experience and a one week Data Analysis and Symposia.  Room and board are
included at the University of Arkansas, as well as a $400 weekly stipend and
a travel allowance.


University of Arkansas REU Program:


     10-week summer program, 31 May to 6 August  2010


     Stipend $4000, onsite room and board, round-trip travel costs


     Detailed Program Information:


     Applications due: March 15, 2010


For applications and more information, contact:


Dr. Michelle Evans-White

Department of Biological Sciences

University of Arkansas

Fayetteville, AR 72701


office: 479.575.4706



Questions about this program can also be directed to Dr. Evans-White

( or Dr. Kimberly Smith (


Kimberly G. Smith

University Professor of Biological Sciences
Department of Biological Sciences
University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, AR 72701
fax:479-575-4010  email:


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