Dear colleagues,

The Environmental Policy Research Centre at Freie Universität Berlin welcomes 
applications for the 2010 Marie Curie Training Course. This years training 
course will be on the topic ‘Architectures for Earth System Governance: The 
Distributional Implications of Environmental Change and Governance’.

The training course addresses the implications of environmental change for 
equity in earth system governance. To this end, the summer school links the 
work of scholars on ‘global governance architecture’ to debates on the 
distributional effects of environmental governance and change. Particular 
attention will be paid to the question to what extent the shift from government 
to governance improves the capacity of the existing global governance 
architecture in ensuring a fair and equitable distribution of costs and 
benefits of environmental change across societies.

The series of courses jointly organised with the Institute for Environmental 
Studies (IVM), Amsterdam, aims to train and educate Ph.D. students and young 
researchers in the latest theoretical developments, empirical studies and 
practical implications in the field. Each participant is invited to present 
her/his research results. By stimulating academic discussions and interpersonal 
exchanges, the training course aims at establishing a network of young 
researchers and developing a research agenda for the future. The training 
course will be held back to back with the 2010 Berlin Conference on Human 
Dimensions of Global Environmental Change, which is held on the topic, ‘Social 
Dimensions of Environmental Change and Governance’.

The training course will be held in Berlin from 4-13th October 2010. 
Applications are expected by April 6, 2010. Notification of the decision will 
be sent by e-mail no later than June 30, 2010. Training course papers are 
expected by September 20, 2010.

You may download the Call for applications at:

Further information will be posted at:

We would be very grateful if you could forward this invitation to further 
colleagues who might be interested in participating.

Kind regards,
Jesko Eisgruber and Klaus Jacob

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