The Ecosystems Center at the Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) 
( is seeking applicants for a summer full-time 
Research Assistant position based in Woods Hole, MA with a summer field season 
on the North Slope of Alaska (Toolik Field Station). This position is funded by 
the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act through NSF between May 2010 and 
September 2010. The renewal is possible depending on funding availability and 
success of the project. 

The field duties of the RA are to explore a new method to measure soil 
respiration and its components with a newly developed automated system under a 
manipulated warming condition in soils. The candidate is expected to maintain 
the system and potentially develop his/her own ideas to study soil carbon 
fluxes in the tundra ecosystem. Activities in Woods Hole include chemistry 
analyses, data analyses, and writing of reports.

A BA/BS in ecology or environmental sciences is required. An MA in above fields 
is desired. Strong experience in field instrumentation, particularly of 
infrared gas analyzers (IRGA), dataloggers, and climatic sensors, is essential. 
The successful candidate should be able to work independently without 
supervision for a long time in a remote condition, and willing to learn to use 
and explore new field-based instruments. 

Applicants should be in good health, capable of rigorous physical activity 
(e.g., working long hours in potentially harsh environmental conditions, 
carrying ~40 pound pack across uneven terrain) and prepare to live in an 
isolated research camp.  Candidate should be available for travel to Alaska in 
June and should be able to remain in Alaska through the end of August.  All 
travel and living expenses while in Alaska will be paid in addition to a salary.

APPLICATION DEADLINE:  Until a suitable candidate is identified.

Please apply online on Click "Research" and find 
the position "Arctic Soil." Questions should be addressed to Dr. Jim Tang at 

MBL is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer/Non-smoking workplace.

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