NERC UK Ocean Acidification fully-funded PhD studentship, University of 
Liverpool, School of 
Biological Sciences

Title: Evolutionary responses to ocean acidification in free-living protists

Supervisors: Dr Mike Brockhurst, Dr Phill Watts, Dr David Montagnes

It is now widely accepted that anthropogenic climate change is occurring, and 
at a faster rate in 
the world’s oceans than anywhere else. An important open question is to what 
extent organisms 
will be able to evolve in response to climate change.

Some of the gross consequences for survival in an increasingly acidified ocean 
have attracted 
much attention, with particular focus on survival of calcifying species for 
example.  However, the 
effects of acidification will extend more widely than the immediate 
physiological consequences of 
calcification.  In particular, we have failed to appreciate the long-term 
evolutionary response to 
this selective pressure and the concomitant effect on intraspecific 
biodiversity, which can have a 
critical impact on persistence and thus ecosystem function. 

To address the issue of pH-shift on evolution, we propose an experimental 
approach on a model 
system: we will use long-term selection experiments on standing genetic 
variation to determine 
the evolutionary response to acidification by the model marine protist Oxyrrhis 
marina – a 
common flagellate that demonstrates high levels of genetic, morphological and 
variation (Lowe et al. 2005, 2010).  These experiments will reveal not simply 
the immediate impact 
of ocean acidification (i.e. the focus previous studies) but the potential 
consequences of this well 
accepted climate-change pressure on the evolution of life in the oceans, and 
thus the adaptability 
of our oceans to inevitable change. 

This multidisciplinary PhD studentship will run alongside a larger NERC funded 
(, and the 
student will 
benefit from training in: experimental evolution, molecular-genetic and genomic 
experimental design, statistics, and bioinformatics.

Informal enquiries to:  Mike Brockhurst <> or to Phill Watts 

Positions available to UK citizens and EU nationals that have been resident in 
the UK for at least 3-
years, and have at least a 2:1 Honours degree (or EU equivalent). Application 
details and further 
details on department and staff are available at:
Enquiries about application procedure to:
For more information on the experimental evolution lab and our research:

Lowe CD, Montagnes DJS, Martin L, Watts PC (2010) Patterns of genetic diversity 
in the marine 
heterotrophic flagellate Oxyrrhis marina (Alveolata: Dinophyceae). Protist, in 
Lowe CD, Day A, Kemp SJ, Montagnes DJS (2005) There are high level of 
functional and genetic 
diversity in Oxyrrhis marina. J Eukaryot Microbiol 52:250-257.
Buckling A, MacLean RC, Brockhurst MA, Colegrave N (2009) The Beagle in a 
bottle. Nature 

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