We are seeking enthusiastic and dependable field assistants to help collect
fish data in Saginaw Bay (Lake Huron) and southern Lake Michigan.  Positions
are based in mid-Michigan and Indiana, USA. Duties will include assisting
with nearshore and offshore larval fish sampling, trawling, seining,
invertebrate sampling, and identifying/enumerating biotic samples.  Work may
occur in inclement weather or rough seas, and may include weekends,
evenings, and/or long days.  Field work is expected to commence in early
April of 2010 and continue through summer or fall.  However, start and end
dates for the positions are somewhat flexible.  For the Saginaw Bay project,
housing (but not food) will be provided.  

Interested parties should forward their resume and contact information for 3
references to Charlie Roswell (crosw...@purdue.edu) by March 19th 2010, and
indicate in the subject line of the email which position they are applying
for, i.e., Saginaw Bay, Lake Michigan, or both.

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