Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce that the call for presentations for the 2010 
Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences (AESS) Conference, Many 
Shades of Green, at Lewis & Clark College in Portland, Oregon is now open.

Everyone who wishes to present a paper (including Powerpoint talks), 
participate in a discussion panel, or share a poster must submit a proposal.  
Roundtable and workshop sessions will be organized separately from this call. 
For specific instructions on submitting a proposal, please visit the Call for 
Participation page at<>

The presentation submission deadline is Tuesday, March 30, 2010 (23:59 ET).

Following our previous call for sessions, we now have a total of 46 sessions in 
two formats: (1) paper/Powerpoint presentations and (2) panel discussions.  
These sessions are organized under three primary areas: Environmental Studies 
and Sciences theory/pedagogy/praxis, with many dealing centrally with the Many 
Shades of Green theme.  Some sessions have been added for general 
contributions.  Please visit the following link for a list of sessions and 

Proposals for participation in these sessions will be accepted from February 
26-March 30, 2010. Proposals are also required for submission to our poster 
session.  Proposals are not needed for participation in our other sessions 
(roundtables, workshops, field trips); some of these will be handled during 
registration, expected to open in mid-March.

Please note that the AESS conference is a national meeting featuring the 
highest quality work in our organization.  Presentation proposals will not be 
automatically accepted.  Make sure to effectively convey the content and 
relevance of your presentation, and make sure to follow all guidelines listed 
in the Call for Participation page.

In response to feedback from the 2009 AESS conference in Madison, we are 
promoting a number of innovations to ensure the 2010 conference is of the 
highest quality for all participants:

 *   People desired some degree of coherence in the overall conference 
schedule, and we hope that our two-step proposal process, starting with 
Moodle-based discussion and online submission of session proposals, followed by 
this call for presentations, will address this need.
 *   Several AESS members want us to prioritize discussion and interaction, 
even in paper sessions where discussion is generally limited.
 *   We encourage presenters to upload their papers in advance so that 
attendees may read them prior to the conference.

 *   If your proposal is accepted, make sure to review all instructions for 
 *   Please do not forget to renew/register your membership with 
AESS<> (required of 
all conference participants, and highly affordable relative to other 
professional academic associations)
 *   For the most up-to-date information about the 2010 conference, please 
consult pages under the 2010 Conference menu at<>
 *   If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email Phil Camill 
(Program Chair) or Jim Proctor (Site Committee Chair)

Thank you for helping to make the 2010 AESS conference a success!

Phil Camill
Bowdoin College<>

Jim Proctor
Lewis & Clark College<>

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