
Please reply to Don Weber below not Sam Droege...thanks
P.S.  I have planted a bunch of Chia in my Garden!

Chia (Salvia hispanica) is a promising pollinator provider and cover crop. 
 We need trials under a variety of growing conditions to see what its full 
potential is as a bee forage crop and cover crop! 
Yes, it?s the same chia as in ?Ch-ch-chia Pet?, but aside from sprouting 
on whimsical ceramic figures, it is a tall annual in the mint family, 
native to Central America and Mexico, and was the 3rd most important 
staple of the Aztecs, to say nothing of its special nutritional benefits. 
Many mints are great bee plants but many are also aggresive perennials 
which will take over a garden.  Not chia, which  may offer the pollinator 
benefits of the mint family without the aggressive, weedy side. 
Please see my website and links there for more info:
Then, email me for your free seed, with instructions on planting it and 
reporting your crop results and what bees it attracts! 
Thanks for all of your interest,
Don Weber
Donald C. Weber, Research Entomologist & Lead Scientist
USDA Agricultural Research Service 
Invasive Insect Biocontrol & Behavior Laboratory 
Bldg. 011A, Rm. 107, BARC-West Beltsville, MD 20705  USA

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