NSF Post-Doctoral Fellowships in tropical ecosystem & global change science,
starting Summer 2010.  

An NSF-funded Partnership for International Research and Education (PIRE) in
the Amazon, based at U. of Arizona, invites applications for postdoctoral
fellowships.  We seek outstanding self-motivated scientists (U.S. citizens
or permanent residents) to combine research on Amazon forest response to
climatic variability with an opportunity to coordinate an international
education and training program (including an intensive field course in the
         Fellowships offer exceptional opportunities to collaborate with a
broad inter-disciplinary team of American and Brazilian scientists, and will
be offered in two project areas:
         (1)   Experimental studies to give insight into the future of
Amazon forests by investigating effects of drought and light on tropical
tree seedling recruitment, with manipulations conducted both in the field
and in the model tropical forest of U. of Arizona’s unique Biosphere 2
facility (www.b2science.org).  Backgrounds in ecology, physiology, or
ecohydrology desired.  
         (2)   Observational studies on scaling photosynthesis from leaf
traits to landscapes, combining ecophysiology, ecosystem-scale eddy fluxes,
and remote sensing (including automated multi-spectral cameras and
satellites) to understand forest phenology and variation across the Amazon.
 Strong quantitative and programming skills required. 
        The fellowship is $42,000/yr plus health insurance, offered on an
equal-opportunity basis.  Apply at:  http://www.amazonpire.org/, or contact
Amazon-PIRE investigators Scott Saleska (sale...@email.arizona.edu ),
Alfredo Huete (ahu...@ag.arizona.edu), or Travis Huxman
(hux...@email.arizona.edu ).

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