Graduate Research Assistantship:
Tree Rings, Climatic Resiliency and Forest Carbon Sequestration

A graduate research assistantship (GRA) position at the MS level is 
available starting Fall 2010 semester (August 16, 2010) in the Department 
of Forestry ( at Michigan State University (MSU).  This 
position includes a tuition waiver and health benefits, and a competitive 

The student has the opportunity to work on a variety of projects that 
examine the potential long-term effectiveness of forest management 
practices towards maximizing carbon sequestration rates and promoting 
climatic resiliency in MSU forest properties.  Forest management practices 
on MSU forest properties have included harvesting, site preparation, weed 
control, thinnings, prescribed burning, and applied forest tree 
improvement.  Managed species include red oak, hybrid poplar, and red 
pine.  However, little is understood of the impact of these forest 
practices on annual-scale rates of carbon sequestration in above-ground 
biomass and whether these practices have the potential to lead to 
increased climatic resiliency in these managed forests.  The main 
methodological approach is to use tree-ring analysis (dendrochronology) 
techniques to estimate annual changes in forest carbon sequestration rates 
and climatic resiliency.  This research will contribute to adaptive and 
sustainable forest management options in the face of future climate change.

Qualifications:  Applicants should preferably have a BS in forestry, 
biology, ecology, environmental sciences, or a similarly related natural 
resource field.  Preference will be given to applicants that are highly 
self-motivated, possess a strong work ethic, and have strong oral and 
written communication skills.  A background or strong interest in 
conducting field based research and working in a laboratory environment is 
desirable.  A cumulative GPA greater than 3.0 in undergraduate coursework 
and a GRE score over 1100 are desirable.  Undergraduate degree 
requirements  must be completed before the start date of the position.  

If you are interested, please contact:
Dr. Sophan Chhin
Assistant Professor, Silviculture and Forest Ecosystem Productivity
Department of Forestry
Michigan State University
126 Natural Resources Building
East Lansing, MI  48824-1222
Tel: (517) 353-7251
Fax: (517) 432-1143

In your initial inquiry, please submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, 
unofficial transcripts and GRE scores, and contact information of three 
references.  Applications will be considered immediately and continue 
until the position is filled.  To ensure full consideration please submit 
material by May 24, 2010.  Please e-mail all application material to Dr. 
Sophan Chhin (

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