The Ecological Society of America (ESA) announces the availability of ten (10) 
travel awards of $500 each to students presenting papers at ESA's 2010 Annual 
Meeting in Pittsburgh, PA. These awards are sponsored by the Strategic 
Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP). SERDP is the U.S. 
Department of Defense's (DoD) environmental science and technology program, 
executed in partnership with DOE and EPA. SERDP invests in basic and applied 
research, and exploratory development.

Students with abstracts accepted in one of four areas are eligible to apply:

-Ecological Systems Ecology and Management

-Living Marine Resources Ecology and Management

-Watershed Processes and Management

-Species Ecology and Management


Please note that students whose research or research assistantship position is 
currently being funded by DoD SERDP are not eligible for this award.

Students whose research involves ecological systems or species that are 
relevant to a DoD natural resource management concern have preference,

though the research does not need to have been conducted on a DoD installation.

To apply, please submit  the following by June 1, 2010:

 1.  complete contact information, including email and phone #

 2.  your accepted abstract,

 3.  a letter of recommendation from your advisor,

 4.  a brief statement (maximum 200 words) responding to the question "How will 
your research contribute to management of natural resources on federal


 5.  proof of student status

Please submit these materials to

Dr. Scott Roberts,

ESA Applied Ecology

Section Vice Chair at<>

Please place as much of your application as possible directly in the text of an 
email message, minimizing attachments. Late or incomplete applications

will not be considered.

Winners will be notified around June 15. Awards will be presented in person at 
the SERDP booth at the ESA Annual Meeting at a time to be announced.

For information on other student travel awards to ESA 2010, see Also on

Nicole Beetle
Education Intern
Ecological Society of America

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