Would you like to help inform the nation’s science policy without trekking to 
Washington, DC? Why not meet with elected officials in your home state this 
August? Register now to participate in the 2 nd Annual Biological Sciences 
Congressional District Visits event. This national initiative is an opportunity 
for biologists across the country to meet with their members of Congress to 
showcase the people, facilities, and equipment that are required to support and 
conduct scientific research. 

The 2nd Annual Biological Sciences Congressional District Visits event will be 
held throughout the month of August 2010, when Representatives and Senators 
spend time in their Congressional districts and home states. This event is an 
opportunity for scientists and representatives of research facilities to meet 
with their member of Congress to demonstrate how science is conducted and why a 
sustained investment in research and education programs must be a national 
priority. Participating scientists will either meet with their elected 
officials at a district office or may invite them to visit their research 

Participants will be prepared for their Congressional meetings through an 
interactive training webinar. Individuals participating in this event will 
receive information about federal appropriations for biological research, tips 
for scheduling and conducting a successful meeting with an elected official, 
and resources to craft and communicate an effective message. 

This event is organized by the American Institute of Biological Sciences with 
the generous support of Event Sponsors Botanical Society of America, Genetics 
Society of America, Long Term Ecological Research Network, Society of 
Systematic Biologists, and University of Michigan Biological Station, and Event 
Supporter Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve—Stanford University. 

Participation is free, but registration is required and space is limited. For 
more information and to register, visit 

Julie Palakovich Carr 
Senior Public Policy Associate 
American Institute of Biological Sciences 
1444 I Street, NW Suite 200 
Washington, DC 20005 
202-628-1500 x225 

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