Ph.D. Assistantship to investigate the effects of climate change on forest
ecohydrology in the Upper Midwest
Advised by Dr. Molly Cavaleri

Seeking outstanding applicants for a fully funded 4-year Ph.D. Assistantship
to work in cooperation with the Ecosystem Science Center at Michigan
Technological University and the USDA Forest Service Northern Research
Station.  The student will lead experiments investigating the effects of
climate change on the water use of northern hardwood tree species.

The student will be responsible for the implementation and monitoring of
ecohydrological studies of aspen at the Marcell Experimental Forest near
Grand Rapids, MN, and possibly a second sugar maple study site at the MTU
Ford Research Forest in Alberta, MI.  The project will include working with
sap flow sensors, micro-meteorological sensors and soil moisture sensors. 
There will also be opportunities to pursue additional studies involving
stable isotope analysis, canopy interception techniques, and other
ecophysiological techniques if interested.  The student will have the
freedom to develop a study plan and cutting-edge research questions
applicable to the field of climate change research.  

Applicant must have already or be very close to obtaining a Master’s degree
in ecology or forestry-related field.  Proficiency in at least one
statistical software package and excellent writing skills are required. 
Preference will be given to applicants with prior experience in
ecophysiological or ecohydrological techniques.

The quality of life for Michigan Tech students is outstanding.   Michigan
Tech is located in Michigan's Keweenaw Peninsula on the south shore of Lake
Superior.  The region is dominated by publicly-owned forests, and is rated
as an excellent place for outdoor adventure (see Michigan Tech is in
Houghton, Michigan and is a safe, inexpensive, & friendly community.

Applicants should create a single pdf that includes the following: letter of
interest, CV, unofficial undergraduate and graduate transcripts, unofficial
general GRE scores, and contact information for three references.  Please
email the pdf as an attachment to Dr. Molly Cavaleri ( with
“Ecohydrology PhD Assistantship” in the subject line. Screening of
applicants will begin immediately and continue until position is filled. 
Desirable applicants will be invited to apply for admission to the graduate
program in Michigan Tech’s School of Forest Resources and Environmental
Science ( for an August 2010 or January 2011 start date.

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