Dear list,

I need to sample plants in a regularly-spaced grid pattern. I'd like to use my 
Garmin eTrex Vista GPS unit to help me stay in the grid pattern while I'm 
walking around in the grassland, but I don't know how to do this. One problem 
is that I won't know exactly where I'll be sampling ahead of time, so I can't 
load in detailed maps with overlaid grids (and I don't know how to do that, 

Is there an easy way to get the Garmin to generate a fine-grained grid (e.g. 20 
m between points) wherever I happen to be standing in the world (I'll be in 
Japan)? Or am I stuck with reeling out measuring tapes? This is difficult in 
the system I'm sampling, as the plants are generally very tall and hard to 
navigate through.

Any and all suggestions are appreciated, especially if they are written as 
instructions to a 5-year-old. All I've used my GPS unit for in the past is 
marking waypoints and recording tracks.  

Thank you!!

Lauren Quinn 
The New Busy is not the too busy. Combine all your e-mail accounts with Hotmail.

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