I have been asked to forward this job posting for an
'Advisor-Ecohydrology' to the ECOLOG Listserve. All relevant details are
below. Applications should be made via the following website:


Conservation International (CI) is a non-profit institution headquartered
outside of Washington DC, working in over 43 countries to conserve
biodiversity, manage ecosystems, and ensure the delivery of related goods
and services to people.  We have recently expanded our work on freshwater
ecosystems, which includes: protecting and restoring ridge to reef
ecosystems across large watersheds, linking upstream protection of
freshwater ecosystems to downstream beneficiaries, and promoting
freshwater ecosystem conservation critical for achieving sustainable
development goals and biodiversity conservation.
We are seeking international expertise in eco-hydrology to fill an Advisor
position in our Science and Knowledge Division.  This position includes
refining and leading the research agenda for our institutional freshwater
strategy, conducting strategic research in priority CI regions, creating
and managing research institution partnerships in eco-hydrology,
hydrological modeling, research related to impacts of land uses on water
quality, quantity and distribution,  and providing technical guidance to
our Science and Knowledge, Global Initiatives, and Field Divisions to
implement projects with eco-hydrological components.  The Advisor is also
expected to provide critical input into CI’s policy engagement on
freshwater issues.  This is a high profile position within a fast moving
and effective conservation organization, sought to connect our work on
species and habitat conservation to the hydrological properties of
•        Conduct research, develop tools, and publish peer reviewed journal
articles in one or more of the following areas: freshwater ecosystems and
hydrological properties/processes, river and wetland pulse and flooding
dynamics linked to biodiversity, freshwater protected area design and
management, environmental flows assessment and maintenance, integrated
land and water management, links between deforestation/habitat loss and
flooding, and eco-engineering applications, impacts of climate change on
freshwater provision, and links between climate change, freshwater
availability and food security
•        Refine and lead implementation of CI’s freshwater research and tools
agenda as part of our institutional freshwater strategy, working closely
with CI’s freshwater team and Science and Knowledge.  Establish a research
niche, goals and metrics; coordinate fundraising efforts for the research
and tools agenda; and report quarterly progress to the freshwater team
against yearly freshwater research and tools deliverables
•        Cultivate new and manage existing research and academic institution
partnerships to develop proposals and further CI projects in
eco-hydrology, expanding the scope of our internal expertise and reach
(i.e., includes related fields of hydrology, soil and water management, as
well as environmental flows)
•        Advise other  CI Divisions in the development of proposals, projects,
policy-engagement and other work with eco-hydrological components  WORKING
•        Position is based at CI headquarters, in Arlington VA.
•        Travel internationally and domestically is up to 40%.
•        PhD plus 3 years of experience or Masters and 7 years of experience in
eco-hydrology or closely related field
•        Excellent writing, communication, and strategic development skills
•        Clear understanding of the links between changes in land use and
hydrological flows and ability to model these relationships
•        Ability to model impacts of climate change on hydrological flows
•        Demonstrated track record of publications in eco-hydrology or related
•        Demonstrated ability to work in team environments, and cultivate
partnerships with academic and research institutions
•        Solid track record of proposal acceptance
•        Fluent in Spanish, French or Portuguese.
•        Non-profit work experience and experience in developing countries
•        Experience in policy engagement on freshwater issues
•        Established links with relevant institutions working on freshwater

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