I think the scientific community IS willing to consider that things may not be as bad as they seem in the Gulf spill. It is just that it is premature to do so and the article you posted wasn't very good, as you yourself admit, it "paints an incomplete and misleading picture". We don't need to invoke conspiracy theories or guilt by association, we just need to invoke critical thinking. If the article had announced the Gulf was dead, I suspect it would have received a chilly reception here.

David Duffy

At 10:58 PM 8/10/2010, William Silvert wrote:
I confess that I posted this in large part because I was curious to see the reactions. As expected, all replies (on- and off-list) were critical and skeptical. However, although some responses were based on scientific arguments about issues like long-term burial in sediments, many seemed to be based on a deep suspicion of any good news about environmental issues and some relied on conspiracy theories and guilt by association. Curiously no one mentioned that although lighter fractions of oil dissipate more rapidly than heavier tars, they tend to be much more toxic.

While I agree that the article paints an incomplete and misleading picture, I am concerned about a broader issue, namely the willingness of the scientific community to investigate the possibility that things may not always be as bad as they seem. For example, some time ago a team of my colleagues investigated the benthic impacts of bentonite (drilling mud) around off-shore rigs. To their great surprise they found that the effects were minor and very localised. I am sure that if they had found something serious they could have published in Science mag, perhaps even with a press conference, but as it was I don't even recall whether the work made it past an internal report.

Work on the benthic impacts of fishing has produced some very surprising and counter-intuitive results. One colleague in the UK set out to study the impacts of shellfish dredging, in which massive quantities of sand are sucked up, pushed through a sieve, and dumped back on the ocean floor. Not only could he not see anything worth reporting, but after 24 hours he couldn't even see any evidence of the dredging - the smaller infauna were all present and seemed fine!

On the other hand, marks from the otter board of a trawler on the sediments of the Bay of Fundy persist for months in this extremely energetic environment. I was skeptical of this until I participated in some field work in an area where the tides are fast and the tidal range is up to 16 m and it is impossible to moor any kind of enclosure. We did monthly sampling, and when we returned to the site we could see the marks made by our boots the month before. It works both ways.

So while I agree in scientific terms with all the criticisms of the article I posted, I am not comfortable with all the attitudes expressed. I think we need to be more open-minded and not prejudge the impacts of events.

Bill Silvert

----- Original Message ----- From: "William Silvert" <cien...@silvert.org>
Sent: sábado, 7 de Agosto de 2010 11:44
Subject: [ECOLOG-L] Good news from the Gulf?

The following article from TIME magazine offers an unusually optimistic view of the BP spill which I suspect many will disagree with, but which is worth considering. Bill Silvert

Thursday, Jul. 29, 2010
The BP Spill: Has the Damage Been Exaggerated?
By Michael Grunwald / Port Fourchon, La.
President Obama has called the BP oil spill "the worst environmental disaster America has ever faced," and so has just about everyone else. Green groups are sounding alarms about the "catastrophe along the Gulf Coast," while CBS, Fox and MSNBC are all slapping "Disaster in the Gulf" chyrons on their spill-related news. Even BP fall guy Tony Hayward, after some early happy talk, admitted that the spill was an "environmental catastrophe." The obnoxious anti-environmentalist Rush Limbaugh has been a rare voice arguing that the spill - he calls it "the leak" - is anything less than an ecological calamity, scoffing at the avalanche of end-is-nigh eco-hype...

David Cameron Duffy
Professor of Botany and Unit Leader
Pacific Cooperative Studies Unit (PCSU)
University of Hawai`i
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