Forwarded from Rob Jackson...

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Dear Colleagues,

Terry Chapin, Jen Harden, and I have organized a Biogeosciences session on "Scientific Foundations for Earth-System stewardship" for the fall AGU meeting (see below). Please consider contributing to the session as well as passing this message on to grad students and postdocs that you know. Abstract submission deadline is 2 September 2010. See:

Rob Jackson

Biogeosciences Session, AGU Fall Meeting 2010

B35: Scientific Foundations for Earth System Stewardship

Human activities have exceeded or are close to exceeding safe boundaries for many aspects of the environment, including climate, nitrogen inputs to ecosystems, and biodiversity loss. Potential loss of permafrost with global warming and the loss of tropical diversity are just two examples of environmental tipping points that may soon be crossed. This session on global planetaryEarth System stewardship focuses on how sound geophysical biophysical science and knowledge from other disciplines can be combined to provide environmental solutions. In addition to the above examples, potential topics include resilience of the coupled Earth System, geophysical threats to life on Earth, geoengineering and climate management, and socio-ecological feedbacks to the environment. The session is part of a series of joint activities between the American Geophysical Union and the Ecological Society of America.

Convener Information:

Robert B. Jackson,, 919-660-7408; Department of Biology and Nicholas School of the Environment, Box 90338, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708

Jennifer W. Harden,, 650-329-4949; U.S. Geological Survey, 345 Middlefield Rd, ms 962, Menlo Park, CA 94025

F. Stuart Chapin,, 907.474.7922; Department of Biology and Wildlife Institute of Arctic Biology, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Alaska, 99775

Index Terms: 0400 Biogeosciences; 1600 Global Change; 4800 Oceanography: Biological And Chemical; 0315 Biosphere/Atmosphere Interactions

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Charles W. (Will) Cook                  w 919-660-5144  
Box 90338, Biology Dept., Duke Univ., Durham, NC 27708

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