Dear colleagues,

Please consider submitting an abstract to the session titled "ED28: Experimental Studies on Communicating Climate Change Science" that will be held at the American Geophysical Union Meeting on December 13-17 in San Francisco. Below you will find the session description, and more information about the meeting can be found at . The deadline for abstract submission is September 2. (Note that you do not need to be a member of AGU to submit an abstract, though non- members will need to be "sponsored" by a member. If you will need sponsorship, please contact Bridget Thrasher at .)

Our goal for this session will be best accomplished with a large and diverse set of authors, so if you know of any persons or groups who would be valuable additions to this session, we would greatly appreciate if you would forward this announcement.

Thank you for your attention, and we look forward to seeing your abstracts!

Andrew Freedman, Nicole Heller, and Bridget Thrasher
Climate Central, Inc.

Session description:
A slew of polls show the percentage of Americans who believe human activities are responsible for recent climate change has declined markedly in the past few years. While some more recent polls demonstrate that this decline has not been as sharp as previously thought, they also show the public remains confused about the prevailing scientific view concerning the main causes of climate change. This session is intended to share insight into how to effectively communicate climate science to a non-scientific audience and seeks participants who are conducting experimental studies on climate science communication, including the effectiveness of various methods, messages, spokespeople, and media.

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