Thanks, Andy. I made a small modification to the code to make it give
the number of sites at which two species co-occur. (This just involves
changing "any" to "sum".)

spp.cooc.count <- function(matrx) {
    # first we make a list of all the sites where each spp is found
    site.list <- apply(matrx,2,function(x) which(x > 0))
    # then we see which spp are found at the same sites
                sapply(site.list,function(x2) 1*sum(x2 %in% x1))
    # the result is returned in a symmetrical matrix of dimension
    # equal to the number of spp


On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 9:41 AM, Andy Rominger <> wrote:
> Hi Jane,
> I think someone may have asked something similar on the r-sig-eco email list
> (which is a good resource in general:
> I think the answer may have been there there's a function in the vegan
> package for R (
> But it would be pretty simple to write something up in R.  Here's one way of
> doing it (if I'm correct in my interpretation of a co-occurrence matrix!).
> The actual function (called `spp.cooc') is really only 2 lines long--the
> code just looks longer from making up example data and adding in the
> comments.
> Hope this might do the trick for you!  Note that in it's current form you
> would have to give the function a matrix or data.frame of ONLY NUMBERS in
> which species are columns and sites are rows.  This could be changed by
> manipulating the MARGIN argument of the apply command below, i.e., site.list
> <- apply(matrx,1,...)
> Hope this helps--
> Andy
> # make some example data
> sppXsite <- matrix(rpois(15,0.5),nrow=3)
> colnames(sppXsite) <- paste("spp",1:5,sep="")
> rownames(sppXsite) <- paste("site",1:3,sep="")
> sppXsite    # here's what it looks like
> # now make a function to compute the co-occurrence matrix
> spp.cooc <- function(matrx) {
>     # first we make a list of all the sites where each spp is found
>     site.list <- apply(matrx,2,function(x) which(x > 0))
>     # then we see which spp are found at the same sites
>     sapply(site.list,function(x1)
>             {
>                 sapply(site.list,function(x2) 1*any(x2 %in% x1))
>             })
>     # the result is returned in a symmetrical matrix of dimension
>     # equal to the number of spp
> }
> # here's how it works
> co.matrix <- spp.cooc(sppXsite)
> co.matrix
> On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 12:46 AM, Jane Shevtsov <> wrote:
>> Is there a fast way to make a species co-occurrence matrix given a
>> site-species matrix or lists of species found at each site? I'm
>> looking for a spreadsheet or database method (preferably OpenOffice)
>> or R function.
>> Thanks,
>> Jane
>> --
>> -------------
>> Jane Shevtsov
>> Ecology Ph.D. candidate, University of Georgia
>> co-founder, <>
>> Check out my blog, <>Perceiving Wholes
>> "The whole person must have both the humility to nurture the
>> Earth and the pride to go to Mars." --Wyn Wachhorst, The Dream
>> of Spaceflight

Jane Shevtsov
Ecology Ph.D. candidate, University of Georgia
co-founder, <>
Check out my blog, <>Perceiving Wholes

"The whole person must have both the humility to nurture the
Earth and the pride to go to Mars." --Wyn Wachhorst, The Dream
of Spaceflight

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