Hello all!

I am teaching a non-majors evolution course
(http://www.christopherxjjensen.com/teaching/courses/evolution/) and have
been using the McGraw-Hill textbook "An Introduction to Biological
Evolution" by Kenneth Kardong. This book is working but I am considering a
switch to a different book.

For those of you who teach non-majors evolution, what textbook are you
using? Do you like this textbook? What are its strengths and weaknesses?

Also, I am curious if anyone has thought about using the newly-released book
by Carl Zimmer "The Tangled Bank". It's not exactly a textbook, but seems
fairly accessible to non-majors.

Finally, if anyone knows of an analogous listserv for evolutionary biology
where I might post this, let me know that as well.

Looking forward to and also very grateful for any help you can give.

Thanks, Chris


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