Dear all,

My name is Jorge G. Molinos. I’ve recently finished my PhD (July 2010)
and I’m currently looking for postdoctoral positions in ecology. My
PhD work at the Freshwater Ecology Research Group at Trinity College
(University of Dublin, Ireland) investigated the mediation of temporal
variability to the effects of anthropogenic disturbances on the
structure and functioning of natural ecosystems. To disentangle the
effects of temporal variability from those of other disturbance
properties I followed a mechanistic experimental approach based on
successive related laboratory microcosm and field mesocosm experiments
using fine sediment as my agent of disturbance and freshwater benthic
communities as my study system. The results of my research have been
disseminated through various publications in main ISI
biological/ecological journals (e.g. Ecological Applications,
Biological Reviews) and presentations in multiple international
conferences (see appended curriculum vitae for details). Outside my
doctoral research, I have gained considerably field experience
collaborating  in a number of projects related to a variety of
ecological topics including habitat fragmentation and ecosystem
connectivity, biological indicators of anthropogenic change and
ecosystem restoration. I have worked in all the professional sectors
related to the management and conservation of natural resources:
public (Environment Protection Agency) and private (environmental
consultancy) institutions and the academia (Trinity College). As a
result I have a board and holistic perspective on the different
approaches by which ecological problems are faced in our society which
I consider to be very useful in scientific research.

I’m a mature, responsible and enthusiastic young researcher with good
communication, teamwork and organizational skills and a capacity to
take initiative and work independently. Though a significant
proportion of my research is in the field of freshwater ecology, I
have a wider ecological background (BSc and professional experience in
Forestry and a MSc in Aquatic (Marine & Freshwater) Ecosystem
Management). Therefore, I would be interested to hear from positions
related to any ecological field. Importantly, I have in principle no
personal restrictions concerning geographic mobility. Please feel free
to ask for my CV for further details (given that no attachments are
allowed at ECOLOG-L). I am more than happy to answer/discus any
questions/proposals you may have.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

All the best,


Jorge Garcia Molinos, PhD
Freshwater Research Group
School of Natural Sciences
Zoology Building
Trinity College
University of Dublin
Dublin 2

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