Two Ph.D. positions in Evolution and Ecology


When: Fall 2011

Where: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Graduate Program
(, University of Toronto Mississauga

Who: Lab of Marc Johnson (



Our lab will be moving to University of Toronto Mississauga (Canada) in July
2011 and we are looking to take on two Ph.D. students to start in fall 2011.
Ph.D. students in our lab have the ability to work on a wide range of
problems at the intersection of evolution and ecology. Some of the ongoing
projects include: the evolutionary consequences of sex, micro- and
macroevolution of plant defense, the causes and consequences of coevolution,
the ecological consequences of genetic diversity and evolution, and the
effects of climate change on plant-herbivore interactions. Students will
have the ability to learn a wide range of techniques and skills in their
projects, including lab and field work, molecular biology, phylogenetics,
insect/plant rearing, chemistry, stats, theory, etc.  Also, students can
work within existing projects or develop new systems and questions.


If you interested in applying to work in the lab and would like more
information please visit the lab web page ( and write to me





Marc Johnson, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Department of Plant Biology

North Carolina State University

Box 7612, Raleigh NC 27695 U.S.A.

Office: 919-515-0478, Lab: 919-515-0479 Fax: 515-3436



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