The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) at Umeå  invites 
applications for the two following post-doctoral positions:
(1) ECOSYSTEM ECOLOGY (Ref # SLU ID ua 3136/2010)
(2) BELOWGROUND ECOLOGY (Ref # SLU ID ua 3137/2010)
The positions are both fully financed for two years and will be based in 
the Department of Forest Ecology and Management at Umeå, Sweden. 

3136/2010). The project will focus mainly on field locations in subalpine 
forested areas of western Sweden, which includes some areas that have 
historically been impacted by indigenous Sami inhabitants for more than 
500 years (but which are no longer inhabited) and other areas that have 
never been impacted by Sami people. The main project that the postdoctoral 
researcher will work on involves exploring how historical habitation and 
land use in these mountains by Sami (in areas that are often currently 
presumed to be ‘natural’) may have long term effects on ecosystem 
functioning both aboveground and belowground that are still apparent in 
the present day landscape. In addition to this work, the researcher will 
have opportunities to perform some fieldwork exploring belowground ecology 
and aboveground-belowground linkages in New Zealand and/or Australia 
during the northern winter. The intended start date is April 2011, 
although there is some flexibility around this.

3137/2010). The project will involve studying belowground ecology and 
aboveground-belowground linkages in boreal forests and subarctic tundra in 
northern Sweden. We are especially interested in appointing a researcher 
who has expertise in any one of the following areas: (1) ecology of plant 
litter decomposition, (2) ecology of soil invertebrates (notably 
microarthropods and/or nematodes) and/or soil food webs, or (3) plant-soil 
interactions and feedbacks. However, strong candidates focusing on 
belowground ecology but specializing in other aspects will also be 
seriously considered. The scope of the project work is deliberately broad, 
and will be adapted to suit the specific interests of the researcher that 
is appointed. However, it is intended that the researcher works on study 
systems and questions that are actively studied by our group; examples 
include the belowground consequences of fire in boreal forests, the 
ecological role of fire-derived charcoal, aboveground and belowground 
changes across chronosequences, and impacts of elevation and vegetation 
type in subarctic tundra. A fuller description of the group’s work is 
given on In addition to this work, the 
researcher will have opportunities to perform some fieldwork exploring 
belowground ecology and aboveground-belowground linkages in New Zealand 
and/or Australia during the northern winter. Depending on the candidates 
that we attract, we may make two appointments for this position. The 
intended start date is April 2011, although there is some flexibility 
around this.

Applications for each of these positions should include a curriculum vitae 
including a full list of publications, a brief description of research 
interests, and a list of at least two references familiar with the 
applicant's work. 

Qualifications: The qualification for these positions is a PhD in Biology, 
Ecology or Forestry, preferably completed in the previous three years.

Further information is available from Professor David Wardle, Department 
of Forest Ecology and Management, SLU, Umeå, e-mail: 

Applications, marked with Ref No SLU ID ua 3136/2010 (Ecosystem Ecology 
position), or with Ref. No SLU ID ua 3137/2010 (Belowground Ecology 
position) must arrive at the Registrar of SLU either by post (P.O. Box 
7070, S- 750 07, Uppsala, Sweden) or by E-mail ( no 
later than 15 November 2010. If you are applying for both positions, you 
will need to send in two separate applications.

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