A postdoctoral position is available with Lars Brudvig’s research group at 
Michigan State University (http://brudviglab.plantbiology.msu.edu/) to 
investigate plant community ecology and restoration in Michigan using 
experimental and large-scale observational approaches.

I seek an individual with a strong conceptual approach to research, 
interested in integrating ecological theory with restoration ecology.  
Research in the Brudvig Lab currently addresses questions at the interface 
of plant community, landscape, and restoration ecology and I am 
particularly interested in applicants who wish to investigate the roles of 
temporal and spatial processes for plant community assembly and 
restoration.  Examples of potential research topics (as they relate to 
plant community restoration) include: 1) the importance of temporally 
variable processes, such as year effects, initial species composition, and 
species arrival order, 2) the relative influences of local vs. landscape-
level factors, 3) determinants and consequences of beta diversity during 
restoration.  Opportunities exist for working at numerous MSU land 
holdings as well as Kellogg Biological Station (http://www.kbs.msu.edu/).

A Ph.D. is necessary.  Funding for salary, benefits, and research expenses 
is available for two years, with second year renewal contingent on 
performance.  Start date is flexible and candidates should indicate their 

To apply, email Lars Brudvig (brud...@msu.edu) with a CV, copies of 
publications, contact information for three references, and a 1 page 
research statement, focusing on interests for research at Michigan State 
University.  Review of applicants will begin immediately and continue 
until a suitable candidate is selected.

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