Dear Colleagues,
Please see below a call for papers from an Ocean & Coastal Law Journal that
accepts submissions from all concerned disciplines. They are interested in
articles about the Gulf Oil Spill, in particular. Please feel free to
circulate this announcement and address any questions to the editor, Sarah
Daniella Swenton

     *     *     *
Daniella M. Swenton
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Department of Biology
Clark University
Worcester, MA 01610

Office: Lasry 230

Ocean and Coastal Law Journal

Request for Article Submissions

The Editorial Board of the Ocean and Coastal Law Journal is currently
accepting article submissions for its Spring 2011 Symposium Issue:

* *

*The Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill:*

*Impacts, Responses, Prevention, and Global Insights*

* *

The Board will consider articles from scholars, practitioners, and policy
makers from multiple disciplines addressing the full range of the spill’s
consequences, the lessons to be learned from this incident, and proposed
changes in law and policy.

The Ocean and Coastal Law Journal, affiliated with the Marine Law Institute
at the University of Maine School of Law in Portland, Maine, is the only law
review in the United States wholly dedicated to promoting discourse on
domestic and international issues of public law related to the sea and

We hope to have submissions in hand by *January* 2011 for our Spring 2011
Symposium issue.  For a closer look at the Journal’s mission and past
publications, please visit

Questions and articles may be submitted to the attention of the Executive
Editor  Articles should follow Bluebook citation
format and should be submitted along with a résumé or CV, by e-mail
attachment in Microsoft Word, or by regular mail to:

Ocean and Coastal Law Journal

University of Maine School of Law

246 Deering Avenue

Portland, ME 04102

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