I am taking a course in spatial analysis in GIS.  A major component
of the course is an independent project.  Since the class is oriented
toward grad students, the assignment is designed so that one may
easily apply it toward getting a thesis chapter done.  I, however, am
not a grad student, and I have no existing research to apply this
project to.  I can easily enough come up with something that meets
the requirements, but I would rather do something that's of some
value to somebody.  I've tried various local conservation groups, but
I've come up dry.  Does anyone here need some GIS-based spatial analysis done?

The assignment basically requires that I do exploratory data analysis
(mining for hypotheses) and/or predictive analysis (hypothesis
testing).  I would need to get started very soon, and the due date is
in mid-December, so this couldn't be anything huge, and the data
would need to be pre-existing.

I hope I can help someone!

James Crants, PhD
Scientist, University of Minnesota
Agronomy and Plant Genetics
Cell:  (612) 718-4883
James Crants <jcra...@gmail.com>

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