The Early Registration deadline for the 5th Biennial conference of the
International Biogeography Society (7-11 January, 2011, in Iraklion, Crete)
is being extended from 15th October to 31st October, 2010.  Please visit the
conference website for more information and to register:

The IBS and the journal Ecography are pleased to announce approximately 15
new “Ecography Student Awards” that will cover meeting registration costs
and attendance at a pre-conference workshop.  These new Ecography Student
Awards compliment existing travel grants (for students, postdocs, ane
pre-tenure faculty) from the IBS and from the Biogeography Specialty Group
of the American Association of Geographers.  More details on each award and
the application procedure are provided on the conference website: 
Applications and supporting materials are due by October 31st, 2010.  Grant
recipients will be notified by November 15th, 2010. 

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