Shameless plug for a film review written by my sister, Robin Averbeck, a
historian, on the movie "Creation," "a film about Charles Darwin’s struggle
to write *The Origin of Species."  *Read and comment on her film review
<>She always
solicits scientists to contribute to her discussions.
*Robin is a co-host for a pod-cast out of UC Davis called "An American
Atheist." (She is my sister, so my biases are known, but it's a really great
pod-cast!) The pod-cast often discusses the intersection of science and
religion in American society. Back issues of the pod-cast can be downloaded
at, and you can read many articles about science and
religion on the blog, including discussions about creationism and evolution.

Food for thought. Thanks for allowing me to plug her Darwin film review.

*Michelle McGrath, MS
Department of Biology
Portland State University
Portland, Oregon


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