We are building a sustainable settlement in the rainforest of coastal 
Ecuador and we need help. A few years ago, a few of us – ecology, economics, 
and business graduates – founded a nonprofit organization called Third 
Millennium Alliance. We raised some money and bought a lot of land in one of 
the most endangered tropical forests in the world and established an 
ecological reserve. There was a small patch of previously-degraded land 
right in the middle, where we have built an innovative and surprisingly 
comfortable research station out of bamboo, by hand. Immediately surrounding 
the house we are designing/growing/building a living laboratory of 
sustainable resource management (i.e. permaculture). Our goal is 100% food 
self-sufficiency within 10 years. So far, we’re maybe 15% of the way there. 
This is also a testing ground for appropriate technology, such as off-the-
grid renewable energy, water treatment and management, organic pesticide 
production, etc. With the nearby community, we are experimenting with 
reforestation of ex-cattle pasture, eco-tourism alternatives, and ecological 
education for children. OUR GREATEST NEED right now is people who want to 
teach ecological education and/or English language to both children and 
adults in the adjacent community of Camarones. You will also be responsible 
with organizing “movie night” once a week, in which we show ecology-related 
movies (documentaries as well as major motion pictures) to the community at 
large. You will need to have at least some Spanish-speaking ability – the 
more, the better. To learn more, please visit www.3malliance.org. If you are 
interested in applying, please email je...@3malliance.org. We really hope to 
get a chance to work with you.  

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