Dear Colleagues, the University of Nevada, Reno, is advertising for an 
Ecologist position (assistant 
professor), please see description below and feel free to contact me with 
questions.  Matt Forister,

The Biology Department at the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR) has targeted 
EECB (ecology, 
evolution, and conservation biology) as a strategic focus for growth and is 

An ECOLOGIST - Assistant Professor (tenure track)

The position is open with regard to area of specialization. The department’s 
areas of research 
excellence include conservation biology, conservation and evolutionary 
genetics, behavioral 
ecology, and evolutionary ecology. Our EECB faculty are well funded by diverse 
sources, including 
NSF and NIH. 

Applicants for this position should have expertise that complements and expands 
the research 
capacity of the department. The successful candidate will be provided with a 
competitive start-up 
package and will be expected to maintain nationally recognized, extramurally 
funded research 
programs. The Department has 765 majors, 45 MS and PhD students, and 24 
state-funded faculty. 
In addition, a new interdisciplinary program in Neuroscience supports 114 
majors. Reno sits on the 
eastern flank of the Sierra Nevada in close proximity to desert and montane 
field sites and to Lake 
Tahoe, and it was recently rated one of the best small cities in the US for 
overall quality of life. 
Applicants should apply online at, where they should submit 
an application 
letter, a curriculum vitae, a statement of research plans, a statement of 
teaching interests and 
philosophy, and contact information for three references. Please see for additional details.  Applications 
received by 21 
January 2010 will receive full consideration.  Start date for the position is 
fall semester 2011.

Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action. Women and underrepresented 
groups are 
encouraged to apply.

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