Second call for submissions -  Beneath the Waves Film Festival!

The Beneath the Waves Film Festival is one of the only film festivals that
is housed within an academic conference. We are partnered with the Benthic
Ecology Meeting, a group of marine scientists that meet once each year to
present research, network, and promote collaboration. The next Benthic
Ecology Meeting and Beneath the Waves Film Festival will take place on March

Please visit for more information.


Films must relate to or focus on marine or freshwater systems or subjects.
We encourage a broad range of entries: documentaries, interesting stories,
research videos, natural history, etc. Films with conservation messages are
preferred, but not required. Films with good a story or narrative (or
agenda) will be most successful going into the selection phase.

We require that all films be under 30 minutes in length. In the advent of
time for our festival, 20 minutes or less is preferred.

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: February 15, 2011

We strongly encourage all interested directors and filmmakers to contact the
BTW staff as early as possible. Getting your film in early certainly can’t

If your film is selected for entry into the 2011 Festival in March, you will
be contacted by February 2011.


All interested filmmakers and parties should email one of the festival
director ( or any of the other BTW coordinators
as soon as possible. In your email, please introduce yourself and briefly
describe your film. There is NO COST to submit an entry. We will then follow
up with you immediately. If your film is selected for entry, you will be
required to register for the film festival, which will include a small
registration fee.

Filmmakers are also encouraged to send DVDs to the following address:

Austin Gallagher, Beneath Waves Film Festival
4600 Rickenbacker Causeway
Miami, FL 33149, USA

Cost of shipping is the responsibility of the entrant. DVDs must be sent to
the us prepaid. The festival cannot accept responsibility for damage or loss
of materials in transit. In your package, please include a word-processed
sheet containing pertinent information (Name, Film Title, Address, Email,
etc). Please also send an email when sending packages.

We strongly encourage you to only send materials you do not wish to have
returned, it’s cheaper and easier for all involved. Please do not send us
masters, originals, your only copy, etc. DVDs will not be returned. Please
send 2 copies.

…send us your film now!!

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