Greeting Ecolog-ers!

  I'm a student enrolled in a Masters of Science program in Biology at American 
University.  My purpose for writing today is to solicit assistance in locating 
internships or part time employment in my area.  I have a BS in Plant science 
(research background academically) with horticulture professional experience, 
and am trying to escape the horticulture and get more into 
pursuits [particularly endangered species management], or research 
in conservation biology, ecology/evolution).  My thesis is dealing with sexual 
selection and predator-prey interactions of a species of amphipod.  

As you can see, I have broad interests at the moment and am open to internships 
or part-time jobs in any of these topics (I'm still figuring out my career 
direction, don't want to exclude possibilities!) but at least have it have it 
narrowed down to at least this naturalist/bio research realm.  I'm having a 
hard time locating anything locally.  I have numerous roots put down in the 
area, so unfortunately I'm tied to the DC area in my search.  All the 
internships I have found that pertain to my interests are not in this area 
the CLM internships that have come across Ecolog lately).  So I would like to 
appeal the great readers and posters on this list for help in my search.  I'm 
looking for internship/job leads and recommendations, places I should look at, 
people I should talk to.  Any help and guidance would be most helpful either on 
list or via email.

To help you out, some of the places I've looked at are the Smithsonian 
Conservation Biology Institute, National Zoo, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, 
Conservation Association, the Baltimore Aquarium, and Maryland Zoo in 
 I could 

Thank you so much for any assistance you can provide!
Chris Seabolt


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