Graduate Research Assistant (PhD) Position:  Site and Landscape Impacts on
ecosystems of bioenergy plantations in Lake States Forest Openings.   

     The Forest Landscape Ecology Lab at UW-Madison has an opening for a PhD
graduate Research Assistantship on a new project focused on the greenhouse
gas fluxes and carbon dynamics of potential broad establishment of woody
biomass plantations in open lands within the matrix of the northern forested
region of the U.S. Lake States (N Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan).  The
project focus in our lab will be GIS analysis, and site and regional
modeling using a spatial, ecosystem process model.  Other project components
are at Mich State U for site level measurements, and U of MN for life cycle
analysis.  Close collaboration is expected among the groups.  The position
may be available for fall 2011 or later.  Salary is approximately $21, 000
per year, with excellent health insurance, plus full tuition remission. 

      Qualifications: M.S. Biology, Forestry, or related field preferred.
Student is expected to have strong interests in ecology, forestry, soils and
biogeochemistry, as well as GIS, spatial analysis, and modeling. Applicants
should be able to work independently, but also cooperatively with other
researchers in the lab and on the project. 

     Application materials: To apply please send the following items in a
single PDF file and assembled in this order:  a full cv, letter of
interests, unofficial transcripts, and names and contacts of three
professional references.  Send to David  Mladenoff,
Forest Landscape Ecology Lab, Dept. of Forest and Wildlife Ecology,
University of Wisconsin-Madison.  Evaluation will begin in early January and
the decision made by early spring or sooner. 

Posted 26 Jan 2011.

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