The Fisheries Ecology lab at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab (DISL) is seeking 
interns to work on a wide variety of projects in waters of the northern Gulf 
of Mexico. Internships are available for the summer (May 17 - August 13, 
2011) and fall (August 16 - November 12, 2011) field seasons, and are 
conducted under the supervision of Dr. Sean Powers. Qualified applicants 
will have the opportunity to assist with studies in the northern Gulf of 
Mexico that involve a variety of fish (bony fishes, sharks and rays) and 
shellfish from both offshore and inshore locales. Interns will gain 
experience in various field sampling techniques, data entry, and data 
analysis. For a full description of current projects, please visit Potential candidates will work 
closely with a variety of lab personnel, including principal investigators, 
graduate students and lab technicians. Preference will be given to 
applicants considering marine science and/or fisheries as a career.
Interns will be required to participate heavily in field-based activities, 
which are sometimes characterized by long hours and potentially arduous 
conditions. Much of the research conducted at the lab is by boat, thus 
experience with marine vessels is helpful though not a requirement. In 
addition, there will be extensive laboratory processing during poor weather 
conditions as well as after some field collections. Overall, the lab is 
looking for committed and dependable individuals that are highly motivated 
to participate in our diverse research program.
Undergraduate juniors and seniors enrolled in an undergraduate marine 
science (or related field) programs or with marine experience are preferred. 
Graduating seniors are also welcome to apply.

For application details please visit our website 

Summer Internship Application Deadline: March 25, 2011
Fall Internship Application Deadline: June 3, 2011

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