Enthusiastic salutations!

I gratefully received a slew of helpful responses to my request for eastern 
U.S.A. freshwater mollusk keys.  Endless thank yous to all who responded!

A few folks asked that I post a list of the recommended resources back to the 
list.  So below.  (My workplace web marshal blocked access to some of the 
online resources, so please forgive any ascriptions/acknowledgments I missed in 
that arena.)

I also received a nice list of references put together for Kentucky's aquatic 
snails that I can share - with permission of the generous aquatic zoologist who 
compiled it - if anyone's interested.

=] Brian

Freshwater Bivalve and Gastropod References

Basch, P.F.  1963.  A review of the recent freshwater limpet snails of North 
America (Mollusca: Pulmonata).  Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 
129(8): 399-461.

Bogan, A. E. and T. Proch. 1998. Freshwater bivalves of Pennsylvania. Bulletin. 
 Journal of the North American Benthological Society 15(1):170.

Bogan, A. E. and T. Proch. 2004. Workshop on Freshwater Bivalves of 
Pennsylvania. pp. ii, 1-80, with 11 color plates, 65 figures. [reprinted 1993 
version by PA DEP]

Bogan, A. E. and J. Alderman. 2008. Workbook and key to the freshwater bivalves 
of South Carolina. United States Forest Service.  Columbia, SC. 66 pp, 5 color 
plates. Printed by South Carolina Department of Natural Resources.

Burch, J. B. and J. L. Tottenham.  1980.  North American freshwater snails:  
species lists, ranges, and illustrations.  Walkerana 1(3).

Burch, J. B.  1982.  North American freshwater snails:  identification keys, 
generic synonymy, supplemental notes, glossary, references, index.  Walkerana 

Burch, J. B.  Freshwater Snails of North America.  United States Environmental 
Protection Agency.  EPA-600/3-82-026. 

Burch, J. B.  1988.  North American freshwater snails: introduction, 
systematics, nomenclature, identification, morphology,  habitats, distribution. 
 Walkerana 2(6).

Burch, J. B.  1989.  North American Freshwater Snails.  Malacological 
Publications.  Hamburg, Michigan.  365 pp.  (out of print)

Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection.  A Field Guide to the 
Freshwater Mussels of Connecticut.  

Cordeiro, J. and J. Bowers-Altman. 2003.  Freshwater Mussels of the New York 
Metropolitan Region and New Jersey.  Center for Biodiversity and Conservation, 
American Museum of Natural History - New York, New York.

Cummings, K. S. and C. A. Mayer.  1992.  Field guide to freshwater mussels of 
the Midwest.  Illinois Natural History Survey Manual 5.  194 pp. 

Dillon, R. T., Jr., B. T. Watson, T. W. Stewart and W. K. Reeves. 2006.  The 
Freshwater Gastropods of North America.  www.fwgna.org<http://www.fwgna.org>

Evans, R. R. and S. J. Ray.  2008.  Checklist of the freshwater snails of 
Pennsylvania.  Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Sciences 82(2/3): 92-97.  

Evans, R. R. and S. J. Ray.  2010.  Distribution and environmental influences 
on freshwater gastropods from lotic systems and springs in Pennsylvania, USA, 
with conservation recommendations.  American Malacological Bulletin 28(1/2): 
135-150.  http://www.fwgna.org/downloads/Evans&Ray2010.pdf

Goodrich, C. 1934. Studies of the gastropod family Pleuroceridae - I. 
Occasional Papers of the Museum
of Zoology, University of Michigan No. 286. 17 pp.

Goodrich, C. 1934. Studies of the gastropod family Pleuroceridae - II. 
Occasional Papers of the Museum
of Zoology, University of Michigan No. 295. 6 pp.

Goodrich, C. 1934. Studies of the gastropod family Pleuroceridae - III. 
Occasional Papers of the Museum
of Zoology, University of Michigan No. 300. 11 pp.

Goodrich, C. 1935. Studies of the gastropod family Pleuroceridae - IV. 
Occasional Papers of the Museum
of Zoology, University of Michigan No. 311. 11 pp.

Goodrich, C. 1935. Studies of the gastropod family Pleuroceridae - V. 
Occasional Papers of the Museum
of Zoology, University of Michigan No. 318. 12 pp.

Jokinen, E. H.  1992.  Freshwater Snails of New York State.  SAS Technical 
Report.  112 pp.

LaRoque, A. and J. Forsyth.  1957.  Pleistocene Molluscan Faunules of the 
Sidney Cut, Shelby County, Ohio.  The Ohio Journal of Science 57(2): 81-89. 

LaRoque, A. and J. Forsyth.  1956.  Two Pleistocene Molluscan Faunules from 
Hunter's Run, Fairfield County, Ohio.  The Ohio Journal of Science 56(6): 

Mackie, G. L.  2007.  Corbiculacea of North America.  The College of Idaho, 
Orma J. Smith Museum of Natural History.

McCann, J. M. and D. F. Brinker.  2006.  Freshwater Bivalves of Maryland Field 
Identification Information.  Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Natural 
Heritage Program.

Nedeau, E. J., M. A. McCollough and B. I. Swartz. 2000. The Freshwater Mussels 
of Maine. Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, Augusta, Maine. 
118 pp.

Parmalee, P. W. and A. E. Bogan.  1998.  The Freshwater Mussels of Tennessee.  
University of Tennessee Press.  384 pp.

Peckarsky, B. L.  1990.  Freshwater Macroinvertebrates of Northeastern North 
America.  Comstock Publishing Associates.  442 pp. 

Smith, D. G.  2001.  Pennak's Freshwater Invertebrates of the United States:  
Porifera to Crustacea, 4th Edition.  Wiley.  648 pp.  

Spoo, A.  2008.  The Pearly Mussels of Pennsylvania.  Coachwhip Publications.  
212 pp.

Strayer, D. L.  1997.  The Pearly Mussels of New York State.  University of the 
State of New York.  113 pp.

Strayer, D. L.  2008.  Freshwater Mussel Ecology.  University of California 
Press.  216 pp.

Thorp, J. H. and A. P. Covich.  2001.  Ecology and Classification of North 
American Freshwater Invertebrates, Second Edition.  Academic Press.  1056 pp.  

Tryon, G.W.  1873.  Land and fresh-water shells of North America: Part IV: 
Streptomatidae.  Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 253: 435 pp.

Walther, A.C.  2008.  A Systematic Study of North American Freshwater Limpets.  
Doctoral dissertation.  University of Michigan.  112 pp. 

Watters, T. G., M. A. Hoggarth and D.H. Stansbery.  2009.  The Freshwater 
Mussels of Ohio.  Ohio State University Press.  Columbus, Ohio.  421 pp. 

Williams, J. D., A. E. Bogan, J. T. Garner and E.O. Wilson.  2008.  Freshwater 
Mussels of Alabama and the Mobile Basin in Georgia, Mississippi, and Tennessee. 
 University of Alabama Press.  960 pp.

Zimmerman, J.A.  1960.  Pleistocene Molluscan Faunas of the Newell Lake 
Deposit, Logan County, Ohio.  The Ohio Journal of Science 60(1): 13-39.

Online resources

National Biological Information Infrastructure

Fisheries and Aquatic Resources:  


Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society.  

Mollusk Bibliography Database

Identification of Alabama Freshwater Mussels.

Workbook and Key to the Freshwater Bivalves of North Carolina
(color plates) 

 -----Original Message-----
From:   Chalfant, Brian
Sent:   Thursday, January 27, 2011 9:04 AM
Subject:        Keys for freshwater bivalves and gastropods in eastern U.S.A.

Greetings all -

Anyone got recommendations as to a comprehensive, accurate key - or keys - for 
freshwater bivalves and gastropods that would cover taxa occurring in 

Much obliged -

Brian A. Chalfant | -ologist
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
Rachel Carson State Office Building
400 Market Street | Harrisburg, PA 17101
Phone: 717.787.9639 | Fax: 717.772.3249

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