Hello, all; I recently present at the Massachusetts Environmental 
Education Society's annual meeting, and attended a workshop there with the park 
rangers of the Boston Harbor Islands.  They have a program whereby they capture 
live insects, dry them, and preserve them in blocks of clear resin to be used 
identification workshops with children.

I want to capture adult samples of some of the aquatic macroinvertebrates that 
work with, so that participants in my workshops can try to match up the live 
larvae with the resin-entombed adult insects.  (Think dragonflies, damselflies, 
mosquitoes, caddisflies, etc.)

I am having a hard time getting useful results from searching with "resin kit" 
on Google; anyone have any suggestions?  The park rangers suggested looking at 
craft store like Michael's...I'm really open to other ideas!

Thank you kindly,
Kelly Stettner
Executive Director

BlackRiver Action Team (BRAT)
101 Perley Gordon Road
Springfield, VT  05156

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